Celebrating 40 years, the German avant garde rock ensemble play their first Oslo show since 2008.
Einstürzende Neubauten
+ Gudrun Gut
The night opens with Gudrun Gut solo – an original member of the Neubauten line-up and a vital pillar of the Berlin underground for the past four decades. In bands like Malaria!, and Mania D, and more recently as a solo electronic songwriter, DJ, and boss of the Monika Enterprise label, she has chosen her own diverse path.
The apocalyptic post-punk sound of Einstürzende Neubauten emerged out of the ruins of East Berlin in 1980.
Since then the band’s creative-destructive energy has refused to burn out. Blixa Bargeld, N.U. Unruh, Alexander Hacke, Jochen Arbeit and Rudolf Moser constantly set themselves new artistic goals. Their sound is very different from their earliest noise explosions, but they still pursue an avant garde rock via different angles, from theatre projects such as Heiner Müller’s Hamletmaschine, the experimental ‘model house’, or Lament, dealing with the start of the First World War.
On their latest album, Alles in Allem (2020), they explore Berlin as a topic, the city that inspired their formation, in dreams, memories, and fragments. Delayed by the pandemic, Einstürzende Neubauten’s world tour is finally underway and Ultima hosts their only date in Norway. The group maintain artistic freedom by involving their public in their process, via crowdfunding and sourcing lyrics and ideas from fans via social media.
Come and celebrate the collapse of civilisation with Germany’s longest-running avant rock ensemble!
Gudrun Gut. Photo: Mara von Kummer