Elena Perales Andreu & Camila Nebbia: Huella ignorada - Ignored trace

Poetry without borders

Friday, 23 September, at 17:30–18:30

Showings and tickets

Friday, 23/09

World premiere
Sentralen (Gymsalen)

In this new border-crossing Ulysses project, no woman is an island.

Elena Perales Andreu & Camila Nebbia: Huella ignorada / Ignored trace (2022, WP)

Ulysses is a European platform for encouraging collaboration and promotion of emerging new music.

This year, Ultima’s annual presentation of work from the current Ulysses participants is a multimedia performance that combines sonic art, spoken word, visuals and movement.

In a seamless mix of words, electroacoustic and acoustic music and movement, Camila Nebbia and Elena Perales Andreu focus on how different languages connect and morph into poetry across boundaries.

In Ignored trace, the two improvising musicians/performers have created a three-movement piece arising from a deep immersion in each of their different backgrounds (South America and southern Europe), looking for connections and common ground. Taking three poems by Gata Cattana, Gloria Fuertes and Alejandra Pizarnik as a starting point, the performance combines sound poetry, a special lighting system controlled by body movements and Light Wall System software, acoustic and electroacoustic music and visual projections.

Camila Nebbia is a saxophone player, composer, improviser and multidisciplinary artist from Buenos Aires, based in Hamburg. Elena Perales Andreu is an interdisciplinary artist and clarinetist whose practice includes performance, improvisation, composition, and visual art.

The concert is part of the Ulysses Journeys for Performers by the Ulysses Network, co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union".

Elena Perales Andreu & Camila Nebbia: Huella ignorada / Ignored trace (2022, WP)
I. Desarmar un sueño
II. Huella ignorada
III. Dureza circular

In collaboration with

With support from