The tuba trio Microtub is a breath of fresh air in contemporary music. At the heart of their work is a deep fascination with time, space and the microtonal intricacies of their instruments – an exploration of frequency ratios so rare that listeners may find themselves transported to otherworldly acoustic dimensions.
This concert, featuring pieces crafted for the unique triple-tuba lineup, reveals the surprising versatility of an instrument traditionally celebrated for its deep, resonant tones. The program includes six new works by members of NMK (nyMusikk's Composer Group), a group of emerging composers and sound artists from all over Norway. NMK is also the initiator of this project, which includes a series of workshops with Microtub in addition to the concert. A new work by the young American composer Forrest Moody, who was invited to Ultima through the ULYSSES network, will also be presented. The music covers a diverse array of styles, from microtonal explorations and electroacoustic soundscapes to non-Western tuning systems inspired by Persian music.
Thomas Bergsten: spendinghalfadaytryingtoplaya 7/4 onanuntunedpianousingthreetubas
Forrest Moody: list and tessellation
Hermod Ringset Bentsen: Hysteresis
Ulf A. S. Holbrook: Half-light
Elias Schomers: three halves of a whole
Martyna Kosecka: /ˈspɛktrəm/ for three microtonal tubas and live electronics
Idin Samimi Mofakham: Gā’hān
Forrest Moody
Elias Schomers. Photo: Christopher Ratter
Thomas Bergsten
Hermod Ringset Bentsen. Photo: Fartein B Ringset
Idin Samimi Mofakham. Photo: Martyna Kosecka
Martyna Kosecka
Ulf A. S. Holbrook