Sonisk Hage: Acoustic composers

Mind expanding new works from the next generation of composers

Tuesday, 21 September, at 17:00
Sold out

Ultima presents two tasting menus of work composed and performed by NMH students. In this first of two showcase concerts (see also Sonisk Hage #4), the focus is on compositions for acoustic instruments.

Find out how the youngest musical minds hear the world, and what the music of the next generations might sound like.

Maia Vikenpublic opinion II
Olivia Køppe ChristoffersenDown, down, down, there was nothing else to do
Torbjørn Haaland - Deconstructions of Pillars
Andreas Hellesøy Skred
Anna Bergabrasjon II
Ida Grande KaurinQlikk
Elias Nurmi Schomers - shrinkwrapclingfilm
Christoffer Håård String Trio
Hermod BentsenApoDion

In collaboration with

  • Norges Musikkhøgskole (NMH)