Sonisk Hage (Sonic Garden) II: Electroacoustic

Mind expanding new works from the next generation of composers

Friday, 23 September, at 16:30–17:15

Showings and tickets

Friday, 23/09

World premiere
Sentralen (Forstanderskapssalen)

Free entrance without ticket.
Doors from 16.00.

Listen to tomorrow’s musical talents today

Ultima presents another two tasting menus of work composed and performed by composition students of the Norwegian Academy of Music (Norges musikkhøgskole).

Mikke Alvheim Åse: F=ma
Evelin Felix Lindberg: Skarvar
Elias Nurmi Schomers: grau-graeulich 1
Andreas Hellesøy: Oksen Ferdinand
Thorvald Bugge Helle: Slør
Magnus Hexeberg: Under tusen augo

In this second of two showcase concerts (see also 21/9), a selection of current composition students will reveal new work to the public. Today’s concert will feature works composed for electroacoustic sources, or hybrids of electronics and ‘real’ instruments.

Find out how the youngest musical minds are hearing the world, and what the music of the next generations might sound like.

More about the concert here

In collaboration with

  • Norges Musikkhøgskole (NMH)