Ultima Context: Crticism and Cancelling: When Critics Self-Censor

A panel on self-censorship in the critical milieu, arranged by Norsk kritikerlag

Tuesday, 20 September, at 16:00–17:00

Showings and tickets

Tuesday, 20/09

Sentralen (Forstanderskapssalen)

A panel on self-censorship in the critical milieu, arranged by Norsk kritikerlag. Are certain individual opinions more acceptable than others, and what are the consequences of a low-diversity range of opinions?

The panel will also discuss to what extent there are works of art and culture that shouldn’t be written about at all, if taken in context. How can we disagree in a way that’s respecrful and beneficial to the cultural scene?

The panel is in Norwegian.


  • Mariken Lauvstad, moderator (freelance theatre/arts critic, teacher at Teaterhøgskolen and Høyskolen Kristiania)
  • Aslak Heika Hætta Bjørn (Sami activist, critic and writer)
  • Rania Broud (freelance critic and theatre director, jury member of Ibsen prize and Hedda prize)
  • Hilde Halvorsrød (critic, music editor of Scenekunst.no)
  • Frank Rossavik (writer, Aftenposten commentator, Fritt Ord board member)

In collaboration with

  • Norsk kritikerlag

Supported by

  • Fritt ord, Sparebankstiftelsen, Kulturrådet